
News! Famous Blogger Judy Lane Will Be Starting To Work With Us!

Meet Judy LaneJudy Lane is a dynamic, bold, and visionary leader who specializes in behavioral sociology, executive coaching and trusted advisory services. Known for her high energy, entrepreneurial spirit and charismatic style, Judy Lane energizes iniduals, executives and vision...

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New You! Detox Plan

New You!ARE YOU READY TO JUMP-START YOUR HEALTH GOALS? Start the year with a healthy detox. Recharge with the New You! plan. It will help eliminate toxins, boost energy and preserve muscle mass.To make relevant and meaningful health changes, you need a road map for acti...

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What Is It With Fats?

Oils and fatsIf you have been under the low-fat craze, you need to know that you would be making a mistake. Some fats are essential for life. You´ll just need to learn the difference between healthy and non-healthy oils and fats.Vegetable oils. These oils come natural...

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¡Deje de Contar Calorías!

CaloríasUn error común que se hace al comparar las calorías es el ignorar el valor nutricional de los alimentos. Al elegir una lata de soda para obtener energía, en ves de un puñito de nueces, mientras que el primero no tiene ningún valor...

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Ditch The Calorie Counting

CaloriesObsessing about calories and trading foods for calorie equivalents may not be the best strategy for weight control.A common mistake of calorie comparison is to ignore the nutritional value of foods. By choosing a can of soda for energy, instead of a handful of nuts...

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It’s Not My Fault!

Obesity as an eating disorderObesity is more than an eating disorder, is a multifactor reality, the reason why people gain weight is psychological, biological, social, anthropologic, marketing (how industry manipulates what industry says is healthy). Next, we will describe t...

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What Is Diabetes?

DiabetesDiabetes is a medical condition in which the body cannot metabolize sugar due to either little or no production of insulin (Type 1) or because of insulin resistance (Type 2).Approximately 29.1 million or 9.3% of the U.S. Population suffer from diabetes. Of the two types...

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Cigarros Electrónicos

¿Son más seguros que el tabaco? ¿O son una forma de alta tecnología de enfrascar a una nueva generación en un mal habito de nicotina?Nadie sabe aún.Sin embargo, listos o no, la era de los cigarros electrónicos está aqu&iacut...

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Electronic Cigarettes

Are they safer than tobacco?Or are they a high-tech way to hook a new generation on a bad nicotine habit? Nobody knows yet.Nevertheless, ready or not, the era of e-cigarettes is here. It's a booming, billion-dollar industry. The number of teens and tweens using th...

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¿Puede el Magnesio Ayudarme a Perder Peso?

El magnesio y la obesidadUna causa probable por la cual hay una baja de magnesio en suero en la juventud obesa es la baja ingesta de magnesio. Estudios muestran que la ingesta de magnesio en menores obesos era baja comparada con menores delgados. La hipomagnesiemia (magnesio en s...

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