Can Magnesium Help Me Lose Weight?
Magnesium Deficiency Is Associated With Insulin Resistance in Obese PatientsMagnesium and ObesityOne potential cause for lower serum magnesium in obese youth is low dietary magnesium intake. Studies do show that the calorie-adjusted magnesium intake in obese children...
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Obesity and Urinary Incontinence. How Can It Be Related?
Obesity is a disease that either creates or is related to many comorbidities, such as hypertension, diabetes, but one that is also common, but not mentioned as much is urinary incontinence.What is urinary incontinence?Urinary incontinence is a condition in which the patient has...
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¡Los Niños y Adolescentes Mexicanos Son los Más Obesos del Mundo!
Obesidad en niños y adolescentes mexicanosSe estima que para el 2020 más de la mitad de los padecimientos que aquejan a la población serán los que están relacionados con la dieta. El exceso del volumen del cuerpo no es exclusivo de los adu...
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Mexican and Latin Teens and Children are in Danger!
Obesity in children and teenage MexicansObesity has grown so fast worldwide that in just 30 years it is now considered a global public health issue. It is estimated that on 2020 half the diseases that affect the population will be diet related. Excess body volume it's not...
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¿Puedo Realizarme una Cirugía Bariátrica con Algún Problema del Corazón?
Obesidad y enfermedades del corazónLa obesidad se ha convertido en un problema crítico en los E.U., con una prevalencia entre las personas adultas que asciende a un casi 50% durante la década de los ochentas y noventas, ahora en día, casi el 70% de los...
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Can I Undergo Bariatric Surgery Even With a Heart Disease?
Obesity and heart diseases…Obesity has now become a critical problem in the U.S., with the prevalence among adults increasing by nearly 50% during the 1980s and 1990s, now, nearly 70% of adults are classified as overweight or obese compared with fewer than 25% 40 years ago...
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General Conditions for Bariatric Surgery
ContraindicationsIt is important to know all conditions that may exclude a person from a bariatric program, given that most are relatives.Who are not candidates for bariatric surgery?The fact that one person with an obesity prognosis meets the NHI (National Health Consensus) rega...
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“La Última Comida”
La Última ComidaSi se siente tentado a tener una “última comida” o una “comida de despedida”, tome en cuenta que al hacerlo está reabasteciendo su hígado y por ende alargándolo, disminuyendo el propósito de la diet...
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Bariatric Surgery Pre-Op-Diet
“The last meal”While you might feel tempted to have a “last meal” or a “private food farewell” you must be aware that doing so you will replenish your liver and ultimately enlarge it, diminishing the purpose of the pre-op diet and making it mor...
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The Importance of Good Oral Health
Oral hygieneToday we live in a society that is really conscious about beauty inside and outside. We don't consider that just exclusive for certain people, artists, etc.; neither is Vanity, in reality we need to take care of the way we look, feel and the way we interact with...
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