The Double Buttress Technique, an OCC exclusive.
What is the Double Buttress Technique? The DBTAs medical professionals we are taught to frequently question the status quo. I personally am always looking for ways to improve quality, safety and outcomes. This is something we have built into our practice and and to the mentality...
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Improved Gastric Sleeve vs Regular Gastric Sleeve
Can something good be improved upon? The Gastric Sleeve has had some negative press recently. Check out what OCC has done to make a good procedure even better.The Sleeve: What's good about it?The gastric sleeve surgery has been around for two decades, and in that time it...
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Gastric Sleeve rules: using the sleeve for weight loss success
Bariatric surgery is the best tool available for people with obesity that want a better lifestyle, increase years to their lives and look forward to being their very best selves.Sadly, since surgery does pretty much all the work during the first months and weight loss is easily a...
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Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgey
Patients may often feel embarrassed or guilty when there is a sudden weight gain or when a plateau occurs. These feelings and the reactions they cause can impact and/or put health, weight loss, and nutritional status at risk. Patients who regain more than 22 pounds (10 kilograms)...
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One of the Best Bariatric Hospitals for Gastric Surgery
Gastric surgery is a safe, effective solution that can produce life-changing results for those who struggle with weight gain and obesity. But if you aren't careful about which Mexico medical center you choose for your procedure, then you could face several problems dow...
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Article of Dr. Ortiz in Entrepreneur Magazine
“With technology I can take my business to unimaginable places and help more patients.”Ariel is pioneer in the surgery that helps people lose weight. More than 16 years ago, still a resident, he started to specialize in the placement of the gastric band, and when the...
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Teenage Bariatric Surgery… Why?… How?
Morbid obesity is strongly associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is rapidly becoming the most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. This epidemic is not limited to adults. An increasing number of children and adolescents are being affected. I...
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How is a Gastric Band Adjusted?
Gastric BandsAdjustable Gastric Bands are still a very effective option to control obesity, especially for those patients who do not wish to undergo a more invasive and permanent procedure, such as the Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass.All around the world, each day, thousands of...
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Leakage Test During VGS
Dyed solution test or air pressure test?Gastric air pressure testing can detect even a very small leakage during surgery.During sleeve gastrectomy surgery it is common practice to perform leakage testing with instillation of a dyed solution in to the stomach through the calibrati...
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30 Minutes That Can Save Your Life!
Bariatric Surgery as preventionObesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, Canada and Mexico, as well as in many other countries around the world. The most rapidly growing segment of the obese population is the severely obese (morbidly obese). The health conseq...
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