
The Hunger Beast!… Our Inner Crocodile

You are absolutely right…there is a beast, it is primal instinct and that is why I call it “our crocodile”, it feeds from sugars!See here, sugars produce hormones that signal the same centers as cocaine and heroine to the brain and keep you wanting fo...

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Want to Love or Break your Heart?

People with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher are considered obese. The term “obesity” is used to describe the health condition of anyone significantly above his or her ideal healthy weight. Don't be discouraged by the term. It simply means you a...

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Por que un Peso Sano es Importante para tu Corazón

La obesidad y su corazónEs ampliamente conocido el hecho de que la obesidad aumenta el riesgo de contraer enfermedades del corazón. Sin embargo, otros hechos menos conocidos, relacionados con las enfermedades cardiacas en pacientes obesos, son que el diagnóst...

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