Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction: The TCR™ Lifestyle Program
Challenging times require an action plan. What can we do?
A lot.
We can focus on reducing the risks and taking the necessary steps to protect yourself, your family and others. We need to get down to basics.
This pandemic hit us all by surprise. No one was prepared for it. People with chronic disease are at greater risk of not being able to fight the infection. Mostly, because of inflammation and nutrient deficiencies. One in two Americans have a metabolic disorder and 7 of 10 have excess weight. The time has come to reduce the threat and get metabolically fit. Luckily, although this is a novel virus, there are science-backed known strategies to help boost the immune system and, on the other hand, we have the accumulated experience of 6,000 patients who have used this program to control their weight and get healthier.
We have put the science and the experience altogether in a simple plan to follow.
Get ready!
To become more resilient to infection and to come out of the quarantine healthier than ever we need focus on the three most basic yet impactful things to do:
1. Nutrition
- lose weight / become metabolically fit
- improve immune response
2. Sleep coming soon
3. Exercise coming soon
The 21 DAY TCR™action plan
1. Nutrition
Now, more than ever, nutrition matters! Malnutrition prevails with 80% of Americans having at least one nutritional deficiency. This plan has been designed to restore health and consequently lose weight. Please read thoroughly as you will find valuable information regarding food choices.
Your overall experience on the TCR™ program depends on the first days!
Remove ALL type of carbohydrates from your diet. These include sugar, fruit, flours (bread, pasta, pastries, grains, etc.), juices, cow’s milk, sugars, honey and starchy vegetables.
Most probably, you will go thru the symptoms of the abstinence syndrome from carb withdrawal. These set of symptoms may include feeling lethargic, moody, having joint pain, headaches -even migraines, STRONG cravings, having nausea, lack of energy, feeling incapable, having negative thoughts, guilty thoughts and even feeling sad (yes! foods impact not only your energy but your thoughts and mood!). Include these strategies to help you AVOID THESE SYMPTOMS -called the CARB FLU for a reason.
The CARB FLU does not last more than 10 days. For some, it may only be for 3 days. If you follow this guideline, the set of symptoms should be minor.
There is no “reducing carbs” or “eating less”. You have to go cold-turkey on this one. If you “wean off” carbs, the carb flu will only last longer. The research has shown that carbs are addictive! Therefore, we need to deal with this addiction immediately. The last thing you want is to go thru the carb flu indefinitely during these tough times.
TIP: Let someone know that you will probably suffer from any of these symptoms; by doing so, they can be aware of your behavior and remind you that going thru this is part of the process and that you may have missed on one or more the strategies needed to avoid them.
GOOD NEWS: Once your body realizes that there are no carbs available it will switch into the nutritional pathway of energy. Right after the peak of the carb flu, you will start feeling the benefits of nutrition: less hunger, more satiety, sustainable energy, clarity of mind, etc.
Also, please remember to eat MANY vegetables from THE LIST. If you do not eat enough vegetables, you can expect to have episodes of overwhelming hunger.
Strategies that will help you avoid the set of symptoms of the carb flu.
- Drink natural sourced electrolytes (not sports drink)
- Use Himalayan salt
- Drink broth or bouillon
- Eat more fats
- Increase magnesium rich foods = green vegetables!
- Take ALL the supplements as indicated
How to make your own electrolyte drink (include one daily):
- 500ml (16oz) cold water
- 2 tbsp erythritol, monk fruit; or stevia, to taste
- 1 tbsp of honey (the only sugar you are allowed; once daily)
- 1 tsp Himalayan salt or low-sodium salt
- lemon juice or lime juice, to taste
- Ice
You will replace two meals with a protein meal replacement. Use a CLEAN and PURE protein shake. Do not use commercial meal replacements as these are usually high in carbs. For best results, do not to replace our recommendations. Commercial protein blends are mostly chemical cocktails which sabotage the liver’s purpose of burning fat.
Since your protein will be in its pure form, make sure to blend-in some add-ons, not just for flavor but to increase its nutritional value.
Blend the protein powder with MCT (medium chain triglycerides), coconut oil, nut butters and/or avocado. Use plant based unsweetened milk alternatives such as almond, coconut, hemp, flaxseed or Ripple’s milk, water, chilled tea or infusions.. ‘
In addition, you may add extracts (almond, vanilla) or spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, or nut meg. Add two ice cubes! Doing so improves its taste.
Eat one light meal and an unlimited amount of dark green leafy vegetables.
- One light meal consists of NO carbs, protein, vegetables and fats. As follows:

*Lean meat: some examples include fish, chicken breast, rabbit, and turkey; lean red meats “loin, round”, “select” or less than 5g of total fat per 3 oz. serving. Cook your meats by braising, stewing, boiling, grilling, roasting, foil wrapped or oven baked. Avoid fried foods, floured, or breaded.
**Include variety of nuts and seeds: Some examples are walnuts, pecans, almond, brazil, cashews, and sunflower, pumpkin, chia, hemp or flaxseed.
***Healthy oils and fats: for dressings use flaxseed, extra virgin, olive oil (EVOO), hemp, walnut, and grapeseed oils. To sauté use butter, extra virgin olive oil (don´t let it burn, use medium heat). For high heating cooking use coconut oil, pastured-raised butter or ghee (clarified butter). You can have up to 3 teaspoons of oils/fa daily.
- Include an UNLIMITED amount of dark green leafy vegetables, at least 4 cups, although it is best to aim for 6 cups per day. Vegetables help control hunger, promote satiety, and improve liver functions, which include fat burning. You can have any amount of veggies form THE LIST at any time to avoid hunger. A plate with 2 cups or dark green leafy vegetables, topped with tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms with vinaigrette and a side dish of steamed asparagus is very filling and will help you keep hunger at bay!
The following is the list of the vegetables you can have in UNLIMITED amount

Take ALL your supplements as indicated in the bottle.
- PROTEIN POWDER as a building block for the immune system; help preserve muscle mass and increase satiety
- ESSENTIAL NUTRITION multivitamin and multimineral -easy to swallow-
- PROBIOTICS for improved gut function and immune system
- liquid VITAMIN B-12 (methylcobalamin) to help with stress and sleep
- high-potency OMEGA-3 as an anti-inflammatory agent
- Drink plenty of zero calorie drinks. Include four cups of organic green tea, and of course, plenty of water, at least 8 glasses every day. It is best to avoid artificial sweeteners, flavorings and colorings, usually found in “diet” or “sugar-free” beverages.
- Optimal nutrition fuels metabolism. Choose clean, whole, fresh food. Preferably organic or grass-fed sourced.
- Avoid snacking or grazing! Establish three mealtimes in the day and limit food intake to an 8-hour window. Yes! this means that you should fast for the remaining 16 hours. The last meal of the day is anytime before 8:00 p.m.
- Beware of self-sabotaging actions, like drinking caloric beverages or consuming processed and nutrient-void foods (junk food)

If you have a medical condition like heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes, make sure to speak with your primary care physician as it may be necessary to adjust your medications and/or carbohydrate intake. This plan is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
Always inform your doctor of the supplements you are taking. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Consult a healthcare professional if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking any prescription medication. Use as directed. Not intended for children.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
To a long, healthy, productive, and happy life,
Lucía Chavez
Learn more about the topic on our OCC Youtube video:
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