Amanda Silverstein
Age: 28
Total Pounds Lost: 102
Testimonials:I know what it’s like to feel stuck in your own body, for your skin to not feel like yours, you have this personality beautiful, funny, & wild but your exterior self doesn’t seem to match and just maybe it’s holding you back from the life you want to live. Saying no to hangouts, beach days, vacations, & dinners all to hide yourself. Every day hurts to be you inside a body that doesn’t match. I’m blessed to be on the other side of this pain most of the time. I’ve come so far and still struggle but those days are fewer as time goes on. I have faith you too can better yourself and learn to be a more resilient as well as a more gentle person with yourself, remember you’d never speak to a child with such hatred and harshness you’d most likely guide them with tenderness. Do that for yourself, patience and compassion go a long way! If your questioning yourself on whether or not to go this route my suggestion is to take the leap of faith! Between OCC and the desire to change I’ve created a whole new life and for that I am grateful.