Chris Mudge
Age: 32
Total Pounds Lost: 120
Throughout my entire life I have always struggled with my weight and spend years yo-yoing from one end of the spectrum to another. By the end of the pandemic, 2 years of bad choices lead me too hitting my peak of over 300lbs (standing at 5'8"). Myself and my partner decided we both had enough and chose to get the sleeve done together. November 15th 2022 we called OCC and booked in for January 18th. In those 2 months I dropped from 305lbs to 280lbs using the pre op diet. Now 7 months later and I'm 185lbs and continuing to drop, between the surgery and the good eating habits developed through the pre op and post op diet regimes I have been able to get my life back and break my toxic relationship with food and alcohol. I struggled for years to make the decision to get surgery done and my only regret is not doing it sooner.